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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

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Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

character yang dimainkan dalam Final Fantasy XIII

Playable characters


Former sergeant of the Cocoon military, Lightning sought the fal’Cie of Pulse in order to ask it to save her sister Serah, whom the fal’Cie had turned into a l’Cie. However, much to her dismay, Lightning was turned into a l’Cie herself. Her l’Cie mark is in the center of her chest. Lightning has long pink hair and is 177 cm tall (5’9″). Originally named Éclair Farron, she discarded her birth name after her parents died in an attempt to emotionally reinforce herself so she could protect Serah, though this only caused tensions to rise between them. For her design, character designer Tetsuya Nomura was asked to create a “female version of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII”. During development, he described her as “not very feminine”. Lightning wields a weapon called a Blaze Edge that is a combination of a gun and a sword (one collapsing into the other). and she can also manipulate gravity with a device on her thumb (though due to Sazh’s interference, this device becomes damaged).In battle, she is agile and uses acrobatic moves. As a l’Cie, she can summon the Eidolon Odin to fight by her side in battle, who can assume a horse-like form that she can ride on. While riding, Lightning dual wields Odin’s detachable sword. Her strongest unique special attack is called Scene Drive in the Japanese version and Army of One in the North American version.

Snow Villiers

Prior to becoming a l’Cie, Snow is the head of Team Nora, a resistance group against Cocoon.[30] He is a big character and is capable of running while carrying two people.He has light blonde hair.[31] He was nicknamed “Mr. 33 cm” by the staff of Final Fantasy XIII as a nod to his shoe size.[32] He uses his fists to take down opponents, focusing on brute force compared to the fast and agile Lightning.[33] After becoming a l’Cie, Snow gains the power to summon the Shiva Sister (シバシスター Shiba Sisutā?) Eidolons, Nix (二クス Nikusu?) and Stiria (スティリア Sutiria?), who can combine into a motorcycle form for Snow to ride while toting a large gun. Unlike most grapplers, Snow changes his runes on his coat rather than buying new gloves.[14]

Oerba Dia Vanille

Vanille is a mysterious but upbeat young girl with red-brown hair worn in pigtails. Originally residing from Oerba Village located within Gran Pulse, Vanille is among those being exiled at the start of the game. She also serves as the game’s narrator.[21] Her weapon is a form of foldable fishing rod with multiple lines that can be reeled.She has been a l’Cie for a long time, one of two l’Cie given the Focus to summon the Eidolon Ragnarok, and her l’Cie mark is located on her upper left thigh. In battle, Vanille excels at using magic based attacks from a distance. Her Eidolon is Hecatoncheir, a multiple-limbed, earth-elemental summon who can transform into a bipedal mech armed with machine guns that she can pilot.

Sazh Katzroy

A former airship pilot of the Military, Sazh wields dual pistols (which can be combined to form a collapsible rifle), and his strong point is striking enemies from a distance. His l’Cie mark is at the base of his neck. He has a six-year-old son named Dajh with whom he is very close. When Dajh inadvertently became a l’Cie and was taken by Sanctum, saving him became Sazh’s main motivation.Sazh has a pet baby chocobo that lives inside his afro. Sazh is described as having good judgment and moral discernment. He has a gentle personality and is easily moved to tears, and joins the party early in the game. His Eidolon is Brynhildr, a female fire-elemental knight who can transform into a race car.Tetsuya Nomura based Sazh’s appearance on Lionel Richie.

Hope Estheim

Hope is a fourteen-year-old boy with silvery-blonde hair and orange, yellow, and green clothing. He uses collapsible boomerangs in battle. During the Purge, his mother offers to help Snow and Team Nora fight off PSICOM. She dies during the battle, and though Snow honors her final request to protect her son, Hope nonetheless hates Snow in a grief-induced rage for his connection to his mother’s death. His Eidolon is the holy-elemental summon Alexander,which transforms into a fortress in Gestalt Mode, and is able to blast enemies from afar with multiple cannons.

Oerba Yun Fang

A raven-haired woman who comes from Oerba Village, donning clothing resembling the traditional Indian Sari adorned with tribal accessories, and bearing the mark of a l’Cie on her right shoulder. Though she is a l’Cie from Pulse, she originally works for the Cocoon Sanctum under Cid. It later turns out she is one of the two l’Cie given the focus to summon Ragnarok. She wields a spear that can transform into a sansetsukon in battle, and her Eidolon is Bahamut, who can take flight in his Gestalt-mode. As revealed by Tetsuya Nomura in an interview, during the early stages of development she was originally scripted to be a male character.

Jihl Nabaat

An intelligent but cruel Lietenant Colonel of PSICOM with knee-length blonde hair and glasses. Nabaat is first seen in the trailers interrogating the captive Vanille and Sazh. She sees the l’Cie as subhuman and is bent on exterminating them. As the henchwoman of Galenth Dysley, Nabaat is the final obstacle between the main party and Galenth; however, she is killed by Galenth when he decides she has outlived her usefulness.

Yaag Rosch

An intimidating-looking man with a scar on his forehead and silver hair that is tied back in a ponytail. Rosch is Nabaat’s right-hand man in PSICOM and Lightning’s former superior. Unlike Nabaat, Rosch has begun to question his orders from the Holy Government, though he feels he must follow his orders for the sake of the people of Cocoon. He is mortally wounded after fighting the main party in Proud Clad; after begging them to save Cocoon, Rosch sacrifices himself to ensure the main party is not pursued.

Cid Raines

An Air Force Brigadier from Sanctum who commands the warship Lindblum and uses a Blaze Edge.Like Rosch, Cid doubts the government in its current state and believes that Cocoon should be run by its people instead of the fal’Cie. However, he himself had been turned into a l’Cie with the Focus of helping Lightning’s group to overcome various trials. As he wanted to save Cocoon from destruction (which is the Focus of Lightning’s group), he decided to abandon his Focus and join Lightning’s group, becoming a Cie’th in the process. Upon his defeat, he became a trial that Lightning’s group overcame, thus fulfilling his Focus and became crystallized. However, Cid is revived by Galenth to create chaos in Eden.. Untill he realizes he is just a tool/slave of the fal’Cie and Rygdea fulfills his wish and puts him out of his misery.his is the second time in the series that the recurring character Cid is portrayed as an antagonist, the first being in Final Fantasy XII.

Galenth Dysley

The main antagonist of the game and the leading figure of the Sanctum of Cocoon. In reality, he is actually the fal’Cie Baldanders, intending to use Ragnarok in order to destroy Orphan and Cocoon so the gods would return to this world. He ends up being defeated by Lightning’s group and was assimilated into Orphan.


A wheel-like, sun-elemental fal’Cie who is the power source of Cocoon. Orphan’s defeat is the Focus of Lightning’s group. Orphan wanted Fang to transform into Ragnarok, so that at the destruction of himself and Cocoon, the gods would return to this world.
Other characters

Serah Farron

Though mentioned by her given name in earlier news, Yoshinori Kitase confirmed her appearance and full name during Gamescom 2009. Serah is Lightning’s younger sister and engaged to Snow – a relationship of which Lightning does not approve. Serah is the first Pulse l’Cie in Cocoon by the Fal’Cie Anima, and her mark is located in her left arm and also given the Focus to lure most potential l’Cie to the ruins where Anima resides. She crystallizes after unknowingly fulfilling the Focus through Lightning and Snow as they attempt to find a means to save her in the fal’Cie’s place. After Orphan’s defeat, Serah returns to normal and is reunited with her sister and Snow.


A captain working under Cid Raines’s command who later puts him out of his misery.
Dajh Katzroy (ドッジ・カッツロイ Dojji Kattsuroi?): Sazh’s son, whose mother died when he was three. The baby Chocobo that rides around in Sazh’s afro actually belongs to Dajh, who bought it at a gift shop during their travels. When Dajh unexpectedly becomes an l’Cie, he is taken from Sazh by Jihl Nabaat as a martyr for Cocoon to use his power of sensing “Pulse” to track down other l’Cie. He is turned into a crystal after completing his Focus.Like Serah, Dajh returns to normal after Orphan’s defeat, and is reunited with his father.

Team Nora

In the Jump Festa 2009 and the official global trailerThe four known members of NORA are featured in the first Final Fantasy XIII demo. The members of the resistance group, Nora, are seen participating in the hijack of the captives’ train and the resulting battles, though Maqui does not participate in the fighting. Gadot, Lebreau, and Maqui were designed by Nao Ikeda, who based their clothing on the athletic clothing styles of basketball, beach volleyball, and snowboarding, respectively.The four known members of NORA are featured in the first Final Fantasy XIII demo.


a man with orange hair and dark olive skin. He uses a machine gun in battle, providing quick assistance when it comes to executing combos.


a black-haired woman with a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder and a sense of invincibility. She uses a shotgun in combat and acts as the team healer. Gadot and Lebreau are said to be childhood friends of Snow.


a relatively younger, blond-haired, worrisome man with goggles on his head. He was friends with Serah prior to meeting Snow, whom he idolizes to the point of dressing himself in an attire similar to his.


another member of the group who is assigned to protect the Pulse exiles by Snow.
his phrase is quoted from wikipedia
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